24 okt 2022
Here we summarize some main achievements of SCAPE.

Connecting green and blue areas, taking blue/green measures, creating more biodiversity and increasing water buffer capacity are the cornerstones of SCAPE. Landscape Led Design (LLD) principles will be the base for future designs in the public area for the partners and a lot
of target groups that we reached throughout the project.

SCAPE opened up our eyes to use the landscape led design principles and to use them in a variety of areas. It continues beyond the project.

We have accomplished six pilot sites that make a long term difference when it comes to climate resiliency (adaptation to heavy rainfall) but these pilots sites also have multiple beneficial side effects (very visible pilot sites, thus raising awareness, creating recreational facilities,
improving biodiversity, ...). Insights from the climate tests were used in the design. Pilot sites are monitored and evaluated. The first results are very positive: areas are more resilient to heavy rainfall, and also in some areas the water is captured to be reused. The pilot sites have
become best practices!

We calculated the damages prevented per flooding per pilot site. These can be found here in the downloads.

When it comes to innovation: you don't always know where you'll end up or what to expect when you start a project. During SCAPE, we really saw that so many people have been learning so much, and have been responding to shared knowledge and crossborder workshops.
(e.g.: companies using plastic liner as impermeable layer, have replaced this by clay - which is much more sustainable and landscape led).

Raising awareness is a success. Different target groups are now more aware about the added value of LLD (cfr output 1 & 2 and the collected letters of intent). The crossover/integrated approach has been fruitful and is now much more accepted in the organisations. The results of
this approach are also highly appreciated by residents in the pilot areas or by visitors of the areas.

The SCAPE approach for the climate test and the process of design and evaluation have improved cross-service cooperations (e.g. a crossservice maintenance plan has been made for the urban pilot in Brighton - this would not have been possible without the proven results of
this approach in SCAPE).

If you want to access the publications on Landscape Led Design (LLD), the technical impact report or the tool we developed, please check: LLD publications and portal